I hope life gets better.I hope I change.....

Change is the only constant in this world and the whole universe is running to its laws. We can defy this universal law of change by understanding it and recreating ourselves endlessly. Human beings are the only creature on the planet with the ability to alter the destiny, through interventions in the process of change. Different facets of human society – family, marriage, ruling systems, economy, and many other things, which pass through the process of change, are greatly influenced by the nature’s cycle.

Life is an opportunity to create. Amidst the chaos of livelihood we have forgotten to participate in life deeply and conscientiously. We have forgotten the silent connections that bridge us to the universe around us and relentlessly warn us about the universal law of change. We have forgotten to relate ourselves with our surroundings. Hope we make sure that we connect with nature and ourselves. Hope we always keep changing and we never stop creating. Participate in life as deeply and as totally as possible. Be sure to use the opportunity to create and make that change  

Be the change you wish to see.

“The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils Himself in many ways. Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.”                   Alfred Tennyson.